FAQ - 680 Movers

Frequently Asked

680 movers trucks

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I’ve been reading about moving companies that go way over the estimate, then hold items in the truck until customers pay an increased rates and hidden charges. How do we avoid this?

That’s a very good question and something we take quite seriously. It’s heartbreaking to hear about bad moving experiences. That’s why we called ourselves 680 Movers, so that the good people in our (hwy 680/24 corridor) community can have an honest and trusted local moving company who they know care. We only collect when the job is finished to your satisfaction. We also provide free hourly quotes and give you all the details up front!

Is there anything that may make my move take longer than expected?

To avoid a job going longer than planned, it is important you specify the following details to any mover, since these items do add to the time.

Will my floors and carpets be protected?

We offer complimentary and immediate floor protection on every job. We use a combination of rug runners, masonite sheets, and carpet guard for staircases when needed

Many of my items are very fragile and high value antiques, how will they be protected?

Well that’s our specialty! Not only is every piece of furniture completely padded before it leaves the house, we shrink wrap delicate items accordingly and hand carry (not dollied) to the truck where they are loaded safely and securely.

I have high value items. What does your insurance cover?

The standard insurance that we provide covers 60cents per pound. We can offer additional insurance for a reasonable price, which can cover your items up to $1,000,000.

Do you charge extra for long carries or staircases?

No. Though staircases and long carries do prolong the time of your move we do not assess extra charges.

I only have a sofa that I need moved, is there a minimum charge?

Though we typically have a 3.5 hours minimum, getting the opportunity to make new friends in the area is very important to us. If you’re flexible on the date and time, we can assist you with small jobs when we’re in your area working on another job. We work closely with each customer to avoid unnecessary costs and minimums, honoring our commitment to provide excellent customer service from the start.

Should we tip the crew?

Though gratuity is not required they are certainly appreciated. Our crew is comprised of some of the hardest working moving professionals in this business. Tipping as a gesture is one of the strongest ways of saying thank you for a job well done.

What are your accepted forms of payment?

We accept Checks & Cash. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express but there is a 4% service fee for credit card payments.